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About Us

Welcome Home 


We'd love to invite you along to our church service on Sunday at 11am.

It would be great to meet you and chat over a coffee.

God's Family


Brighton Elim celebrates Sunday mornings with lively Worship, Children’s Sunday School with refreshments served in a friendly atmosphere. We start at 11am till about 12pm.

We enjoy meeting together because we are part of God’s family and love to learn more about the things of God. In our meetings we express our worship and thankfulness to Him for what he has done in our lives and in the world today. 


During our contemporary meetings the worship band will lead us in singing our worship to God. Some songs are lively, expressing our gratitude to God; some are more quiet and thoughtful, expressing love and worship. Very often people will stand or kneel, or raise their hands – all of these are simply different ways to express worship towards God.

We then have a time were we focus on Gods word,this will take place in our meetings when someone will talk and explain truths from the bible, we believe the bible is the primary way in which God reveals himself to the world. The bible tells us Gods plan for life in relationship to him.


It's not unusual for us to end our service by praying for people who express a desire to receive a word or blessing from God. We believe that God has created us physical emotional and spiritual beings and God interacts with us Spiritually, emotionally and physically by way of healing and comfort through his Holy Spirit.

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